Please note: Both the Museum and Gardens will be CLOSED on Thursday 2nd May, 2024, as it is used for a polling station. Thank you.

Kao Park

Standard Telephones and Cables
Standard Telephones and Cables


Located in the Harlow Enterprise Zone is Kao Park, a science and technology hub which sits in the heart of Harlow. The park is home to several innovative businesses including Arrow, Raytheon and Kao Data with state of the art facilities and Cambridge 1 NVIDIA Supercomputer. The site has a rich history associated with science and technology breakthroughs and was once home to Standard Telephones and Cables and Nortel.

Sir Charles Kao
Sir Charles Kao

Sir Charles Kao

In 1966 George Hockham and Charles Kao made a significant technological breakthrough whilst working at Standard Telephones and Cables in the now Kao Park. They discovered that data could be transmitted along fibre glass, laying the groundwork for modern day communications and the internet. In honor of the discovery Charles Kao later received a knighthood and a Nobel prize for physics.

What to see at Harlow Museum?

Harlow Museum & Walled Gardens showcases Sir Charles Kao’s achievements within the Movers and Shapers the Harlow Makers Gallery. And you can learn more about Harlow’s technological achievements and milestones within the New Town Gallery.

Learn more about Harlow Museum here